Technical Skill Assessment


XML LinkedIn Skill Assessment Answer

Q1. You are working with this XML code snippet from the XML document cars.xml. You need to return the information about the cars built after the year 2000. What does your XQuery look like? <cars> <car><make>Cadillac</make><model>Escalade</model><year>2007</year></car> <car><make>Cadillac</make><model>Escalade</model><year>2011</year></car> <car><make>Ford</make><model>Mustang</model><year>1968</year></car> <car><make>Ford</make><model>Mustang</model><year>1998</year></car> <car><make>Mercedes</make><model>C-Class</model><year>1999</year></car> <car><make>Mercedes</make><model>C-Class</model><year>2009</year></car> </cars> doc(“cars.xml”)/cars/car[year>2000].data✔️ doc(“cars.xml”)/cars/car[xs:integer(year) gt 2000] doc(“cars.xml”)/cars/car[year gt 2000] doc(“cars.xml”)/cars/car[integer(year) > 2000] Q2. You are […]

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visual basic for applications microsoft

VBA LinkedIn Skill Assessment Answer

Q1. Which two sets of values are printed by this function and sub? Function GetVitals(ID As Long, Age As Long, Optional Weight As Long) As String GetVitals=”ID=” & ID &”Age=” & Age & “Weight=” & Weight End Function Sub ShowVitals() Dim ID As Long, Age As Long,Weight as Long Debug.Print GetVitals(ID:=5,Age:=20) Debug.Print GetVitals(ID:=6,Age:=25,Weight:=130) End Sub

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spring framework

Spring Framework LinkedIn Skill Assessment Answer

Q1. How filters are used in Spring Web? Filters are called before a request hits the DispatcherServlet.They allow for interception-style, chained processing of web requests for security, timeouts, and other purposes.✔️ Filters are used with a checksum algorithm that will filter invalid bytes out of a byte stream request body and allow for processing of

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SEO LinkedIn Skill Assessment Answer

Q1. When developing a backlink strategy, what approach would be most beneficial? Guest post the article to as many sites as possible✔️ Create an infographics and share it with relevant bloggers Create diverse and unnatural links Distribute links in comment sections of websites Q2. What is a key reason the URL is preferable to

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